Sept, 19th 2016: VR/Gaming: Andrew Ayre, Founder Other Ocean Group
Minds2Capital welcomed early stage investors and entrepreneurs in the Gaming + VR space to talk key trends for 2016.
Key Investor Takeaways:
• CONTENT IS KEY: VR Content Development vs. Improvements in Hardware. A Chicken and Egg Game.
• Gaming is only the beginning, Virtual reality can revolutionize a wide variety of industries such as media, sports, gaming, entertainment, and education.
• No real opportunities for new hardware as there are already clear market leaders e.g. Oculus + HTC. Focusing on component manufacturers along the hardware supply chain could be a safer bet as headsets become more cost-efficient.
• Switzerland has its first TECH unicorn, and it’s a VR company, Mindmaze. A breakthrough platform that builds intuitive human machine interfaces combining virtual reality (VR), computer graphics, brain imaging & neuroscience.